昨天晚上來到Dakuo 高雄市數位內容創意中心參與【好空間X社群力】社群三大巨頭MOPCON、KIUM、創業台摃分享社群經營分享以及創業之路歷程!三個小時的交流裡,深刻體會到舉辦活動不易,就像創業沒有熱情,辛苦的過程也只是折磨!希望社企組織也能有朝一日,發展成像MOPCON如此的規模~社企的大夥一起努力吧!
Yesterday night we had a special seminar with the most famous communities which was MOPCON, KIUM, and Startup Talk.Throughout the tree hours sharing, we could totally understand what was communities and what could these different communities influence people and social.Hope one day social enterprises could hold such a big symposium and also have enough power to motivate people to join us.